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We Need Flexible Families Ready to Adopt!!

Do you want to adopt? Be flexible.

Sometimes we get situations that we don’t have an adoptive family for

For example:

  • A newborn and an 18-month-old sibling

  • Six-month-old twin girls.

  • A medically fragile infant.

  • A family that lives close to the biological family!!!

We need flexible adoptive families.

No, we aren’t saying we need more families because we want to charge you for a home study and make more money. We do charge for home studies, because we have to pay someone to do them.  We have to vet all our families and that takes time and money.

If you come with a home study from a recognized identity, then we only charge to add you to our list of prospective adoptive families. We don’t have to charge you again for a home study.

But we need you.

We need flexible adoptive families.  We have flexible families, but sometimes they don’t live near a biological family.


The only way we can get families for the variety of situations we have is by having families who are open to different situations.

We’ve had some amazing families take on some amazing situations and achieve amazing results.

We want that to continue.

This morning we looked through our prospective adoptive families and wondered who was ready for this situation.

A situation that was sprung on us suddenly.

A situation we will call other adoption agencies about to see if they have a family which matches exactly what the birth family wants.

We won’t stop until we find the perfect family.

Certainly, we wish we didn’t have to spend so much time hunting.

If you want to adopt, be flexible, whatever agency you choice to use.