We’re an adoption agency.
It’s the most incredible work in the world.
It’s also very complicated and overwhelming.
Not everyone agrees with adoption.
We know that. And we know why.
There are times when babies are acquired unethically.
There are times when women are pressured into placing a baby.
We know adoptees who have suffered terribly.
We are sorry.
We hate when these incidences happen.
Nevertheless, we continue to receive calls from pregnant women who feel compelled to place. We don’t recruit. These situations come to us.
These women have compelling stories. Their life experiences are unique. Often there has been significant heartache. They are full of regret.
One thing they have in common is that they love their babies. The reasons they are pursuing a parenting plan, which includes adoption, are varied.
We NEVER even consider matching these women with a potential adoptive family until we, and the mother, are at ease with the plan.
Does this mean there won’t be grief? NO. There will be grief and regret, and questions.
Women say they are here to “give away their baby” or “give up their baby.”
They are not giving up. They are coming up with a plan.
We provide ongoing support through the adoption plan and beyond.
There are awful people in adoption. There are awful people in churches. There are awful people in corporations.
We’re not happy about the things we see.
But when people suggest adoption workers should all be volunteers, they don’t understand the complications involved. There is nothing part-time about taking care of women who are in such a complicated place in their lives.
We have women who work hard. They work hours and hours supporting anxious birth mothers.
Our team deals with scams.
In any given year, numerous women want housing and aren’t pregnant. Critics of adoption companies would say these women need help, and we should provide that help. Yes, they require support, and society has probably let them down. We get this. We get all of this.
We also recognize scams are part of every business. We see plenty.
We also get that our expectant mothers need to be supported in mental health appointments, continuing education appointments. They travel to us when it’s convenient for them. Women give birth in the dark of night, and they need support. This all requires round the clock services from us.
Our workers need a livable wage, too. We do not work with an uneducated labor force. Besides dealing with birth mothers, they must also:
- Understand the legalities of adoption
- Know where to access health services
- Know where to access mental health services
- Find and maintain housing options
- Recognize financial availability
- Find and access post-adoption opportunities for birth mothers
- Understand home studies
- Screen and re-screen adoptive families