We have an expecting mom whose baby has been diagnosed with VACTERL Association.
Babies who have been diagnosed as having VACTERL association usually have at least one anomaly in all three involved body parts: the limbs, chest, and pelvis/lower abdomen region.
The diagnosis also includes the probable presence of two or more anomalies in two body parts. There is a wide range of signs of VACTERL association, and the exact number of affected babies is not known.
It has been estimated to occur in 1 in 10,000 to 40,000 newborns. VACTERL association frequency may be difficult to determine because different diagnostic criteria are used in different studies.

Gender: Boy
Due Date: February 18, 2025
Delivery State: Illinois
Birth mom’s race: Hispanic/Latino
Birth father’s race: Caucasian.
Birth father agrees to the adoption.
Birth family wants an open adoption.
Birth family found out at the 20-week ultrasound that the baby had some birth defects, and they are unavailable to provide the care he needs as they have 2 other children.
Birth mother reports
Birth mother reports the following substance use early in pregnancy, before knowing she was expecting: Alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, anti-depressants, and ADHD medication. She self-reports current cigarette use. We have requested medical records to understand the complexity of the medical situation, but have not received them, yet.
If you are interested in presenting to this situation and would like to learn more, please reach out to Heart to Heart Adoptions 801.563.1000 x. 1017 by Friday, December 20.