"I never thought about placing my baby for adoption."
“But what could I do? No one was helping,” Blair said. “I had a sick baby in the hospital. I couldn’t stay with him because who would take care of my other children? My children were at home, who could I leave them with?
Blair felt overwhelmed and discouraged as she talked. During the conversation, she explained the problems she was facing.

- “My sweet little Caleb, still needs a gastrostomy tube, medication, and constant care, and he’s getting released from the hospital really soon.”
- “My five other children are living in an apartment full of dust and mold. When I’m at the hospital, with Caleb they are home alone. I had no one to leave them with.”
- “I had totally unreliable transportation. It’s so hard to get places.”
- “The social worker thought caring for my youngest is endangering my other children but gave no solutions or help.”
- “The school called, and one of my children had been punched in the face. Like, I couldn’t even get to him, and the school is mad. Where we live, the schools aren’t great.”
- “Every agency I called for help just sent an email to fill out another form.”
- “Caleb was created in a non-relationship environment. There’s no father for him.”
- “I wasn’t ready. Oh, I was so not ready for another child.”
- “I really didn’t know where to go for help.”
- The hospital was not supportive. Instead of helping me, they concluded that I was risking my other children.

Eventually, Blair considered adoption for her sixth child.

“I called. I hung up really quickly. I hesitated. I said, ‘Blair, you can do it. You can do it.’ I called again. I clicked again. And then I got a call back from the number. Before I answered, I thought, ‘They are going to ask me to send them money.

“But as soon as I spoke with such a wonderful angel, I heard. I heard God in a quiet voice speaking to me, named Wendy. My heart felt it. I started crying. I had hard problems. My sweet little baby is going to get out of the hospital, and there is no space for him. Wendy was so kind. She was an angel from heaven. She heard me all the way through. She said, ‘You know what? I’m here to help. She explained how the program worked and how they managed situations. Made me feel very, very comfortable. Such peace. My soul was comforted.”
Wendy from Heart to Heart Adoptions sent Blair profiles from three families who were looking to adopt. Profiles that met the kind of characteristics Blair had said she wanted in a family.

Blair cried as she explained. “A soul that thought they could never find a way out. Wendy was a hand to pull me out of a dark space. I didn’t want to lose him, and I didn’t. We’ll be connected forever.”