How Do I Place My Baby In Georgia?

Unexpected Pregnancy in Georgia

We have some suggested steps for placing a baby for adoption in Georgia. These steps will help you receive the support and information you need to feel secure in your decision.

Steps for Adoption in Georgia

  1. Reach Out for Support: Start by contacting Heart to Heart Adoptions. We have made online forms available, or you can always call to speak with an adoption specialist who understands adoption in Georgia. Reaching out does not oblige you to place a baby for adoption. Calling just means you are looking for an option for an unexpected pregnancy.

Call 24/7: 877-437-3424           Text Anytime: 801-563-1000

2. Initial Consultation: An adoption specialist will talk with you. You can discuss your unique situation, how you are feeling, and what options you are looking at for your unexpected pregnancy. This is a safe space to express your thoughts and get detailed information about your options.


3. Decide on the Type of Adoption: With one of the helpful case managers, such as Kathy, Wendi, Jodi, or one of the others, you’ll decide what kind of adoption you want. This may be:

        –An open adoption

       –Close adoption

       –Semi-open adoption


4. Choosing an Adoptive Family: Heart to Heart Adoptions will present you with profiles of potential adoptive families based on your preferences. You’ll have the opportunity to review these families and decide who you feel most comfortable with.


5. Support Services: You will have access to counseling and support services throughout this process. Heart to Heart Adoptions offers emotional support, legal guidance, and resources related to your pregnancy and adoption journey.


6. Medical Care: As part of the process, Heart to Heart will help you access any necessary medical care during your pregnancy. They will work with you to cover medical expenses related to pregnancy and childbirth.


7. Birthing Plan: You can decide who will support you at the birth and what kind of medical intervention you want. We will walk through your options.


8. Placement of Your Baby: Once you have chosen an adoptive family and your baby is born, you will go through the legal process of placing your baby for adoption. Heart to Heart Adoptions will facilitate this process, ensuring everything is completed according to the law and in a manner that respects your rights.


9. Post-Adoption Support: After the adoption is finalized, Heart to Heart Adoptions offers post-placement support. This may include counseling services and options to maintain contact with the adoptive family, depending on your chosen level of openness.