Finding the Right Adoptive Family

We'll Help You Choose the Perfect Family

At Heart to Heart Adoptions, we know that you may have grave concerns about choosing the right adoptive family or knowing where to find the right adoptive family.

We are very particular about the families we represent in our adoption agency. We make sure they have the best intentions and the best backgrounds. They are vetted legally, financially, and mentally.

When you are ready to look at families, we ask the you give us a list of your preferences. From those preferences, we will find families. Watch the video below for an explanation of how Darla finds you the perfect family.

Call 24/7: 877-437-3424           Text Anytime: 801-563-1000

Choosing an adoptive family in New York

What to Consider When Choosing an Adoptive Family

Choosing an adoptive family is a deeply personal decision. Here are some important factors to keep in mind while making your choice:

  • Family Structure: Think about whether you prefer a heterosexual couple, a same-sex couple, or a single parent. You can also consider if the family already has children.
  • Location: Do you want the family to live nearby, or are you open to families from other states or countries?
  • Adoption Type: Do you want an open adoption where you can stay in touch with your child or a closed adoption with limited contact?
  • Lifestyle: What kind of environment do you envision for your child? Do you want an urban lifestyle? Are you more interested in your child seeing the diversity of a city?
  • Religion: If having a specific religious upbringing is important to you, ask how the family plans to incorporate religion into your child’s life. What kind of spiritual exposure would you like?
  • Post-Placement Contact: Think about whether you would like to receive updates, pictures, or even have visits with your child after the adoption.
  • Cultural Awareness: Consider if the family is aware of and sensitive to different cultures, which can be important if you’re considering a transracial adoption.

Moving Forward

We will be here to talk to you about your preferences. Recognize that you might speak with more than one family before deciding on one that fits you.


If you are ready to begin your search for the right adoptive family, you can view profiles online or call.


Call 24/7: 877-437-3424 or Text Anytime: 801-563-1000
